Miri police seize over 1kg of drugs in raids, 2 men arrested

The seized drugs, believed to be methamphetamine.
By Tedong Rantayy

MIRI, Aug 28: Police in Miri have seized methamphetamine weighing a total of 1,047.71 grammes, with an estimated street value of RM37,250, in two separate raids conducted on Aug 23 and 24.

The operations led to the arrest of two local men suspected of involvement in drug supply activities.

Miri District Police Chief ACP Alexson Naga Chabu confirmed the arrests and provided details of the operations carried out by the Narcotics Criminal Investigation Division from the Miri Police Headquarters (IPD Miri).


In the first raid on Aug 23 at around 10 am, officers raided a roadside hut in Miri.

A 23-year-old unemployed man was arrested, and police seized five transparent plastic packages containing crystal-like substances, believed to be methamphetamine, weighing a total of 7.71 grammes. The drugs seized in this raid were valued at RM850.

The second raid took place the following day, on Aug 24, at about 9am. Police raided a parking area in Miri, resulting in the arrest of another local man.

During this operation, officers discovered a black bag containing a package with suspected methamphetamine weighing 1,040 grammes.

The drugs were valued at RM36,400. Additionally, a car, estimated to be worth RM8,500, was also seized during the raid.

The combined value of the drugs and assets seized in these two raids amounts to RM45,750.

Both suspects have been remanded to assist in the investigation, which is being conducted under Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs Act 1952.

If convicted under this section, the accused could face the death penalty or life imprisonment, along with a mandatory minimum of 12 strokes of the cane.

The case is also being investigated under Section 39A(1) of the same Act.

Police have urged members of the public with any information regarding drug-related activities to report to the nearest police station, as part of ongoing efforts to curb and eradicate drug abuse in the community. — DayakDaily
