Miri City Council announces Miri City Fan, New World Mart Lutong parking lot as Ramadan Bazaar areas

Adam Yii (file photo)

KUCHING, Feb 28: Miri City Council (MCC) mayor Adam Yii Sew Sang, has announced that this year’s Ramadan bazaar will have two designated areas: Miri City Fan and the parking lot by New World Mart Lutong.

According to Yii, the council has garnered approximately 148 vendor applications for the Ramadan Bazaar since applications opened between Feb 8 until Feb 22 this year.

In a statement Yii made during a full council meeting today, Market, Traders and Hawker Units stated that all vendors this year have underwent medical checks and obtained a comprehensive food handling certificate prior to submitting their applications in addition to being briefed on the Ramadan bazaar operating guidelines held on Feb 27 this year.


The Ramadan bazaar is scheduled to run at these two locations from March 12 to April 11, 2024, operating from 3pm to 8pm.

Following the vendors as well as the site for the Ramadan bazaar, he also reminded business owners to be aware of their licenses, stating that it must be renewed within 42 days after the expiration date.

“Renewing your business license is not just a legal obligation,” he stressed, “It’s a fundamental aspect of responsible business ownership”. — DayakDaily
