Minos urges more Dayaks to set up businesses other than eateries in Kota Samarahan

Minos (centre) with the operators of Rumah Asap Dayak Kota Samarahan.

KUCHING, Nov 26: Kota Samarahan Municipal Council (MPKS) chairman Dato Peter Minos is urging more Dayaks to set up businesses other than food and beverage types in Kota Samarahan.

He asked that Dayak entrepreneurs stay determined and ambitious in their careers despite the challenges ahead.

“Many of the big and successful Chinese business groups started small and went through many problems and obstacles.


“Their grit, determination, patience and the deep desire to succeed helped them along the way. They are worthy of emulation,” he said in a statement today.

Minos said this while attending the sixth anniversary celebration of a Dayak food centre called Rumah Asap in Kota Samarahan here.

He was happy to see that the food centre had survived the Covid-19 pandemic and is now doing pretty well.

“Operated and managed by a Dayak group and is now six years old, Rumah Asap along the Mohd Musa road was the first one to be set up in Kota Samarahan.

“Despite many challenges and obstacles, the Rumah Asap group prodded on and is now pretty successful,” he added. — DayakDaily
