Minos calls on authorities to punish anyone harassing or bullying athletes

Dato Peter Minos

KUCHING, Oct 21: Political observer Datuk Peter Minos is calling on the authorities to punish anyone that would do harm to our national sportsmen or sportswomen under the law.

Minos was furious after learning that Sarawakian diving icon Datuk Pandelela Rinong Pamg was bullied after she confronted a former coach for making lewd jokes.

The tweet describing the alleged bullying and actions of a former coach. 


Describing the act of the coach as unacceptable and outrageous, Minos also thanked Pandelela for speaking out on her predicament on being bullied.

“We abhor anyone who harm or is trying to harm athletes physically or mentally. If that transgressor is a Malaysian, there must be police action against them.

“But, he or she might be a foreigner for which legal action may not or cannot be served,” he said.

Minos added Pandelela did a very good job for exposing the act of the coach publicly and candidly.

Pandelela in a tweet today described an incident of how she tried to confront a former coach for making lewd jokes, but was “bullied” afterwards. — DayakDaily
