Minister: Sarawak on track to becoming Sukma 2024 champion

Abdul Karim when met by reporters after officiating the Sukma Carnival 2024 at Celebration Square, Petra Jaya on Aug 17, 2024.

By Marlynda Meraw

KUCHING, Aug 17: Sarawak is on track to become the Malaysian Games (Sukma) 2024 champion, says Minister of Youth, Sports, and Entrepreneur Development (MYSED) Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah.

He pointed out Sarawak’s current position in the Sukma games, which is number one and leading the rest of the states by a big margin.


“Our strategy is to complete today (August 17) and start the official ceremony for Sukma 2024 with Sarawak at the top of the table,” said Abdul Karim when met by reporters after officiating the Sukma Carnival 2024 at the Celebration Square, Petra Jaya today.

Abdul Karim cited the huge difference in gold medals for the first place and second place, with Sarawak having earned 12 gold medals so far, whereas second place, which Melaka currently holds, has seven gold medals.

“This (Sarawak being number one) is a good and pleasing indication, and it will encourage other (Sarawakian) athletes to continue the fight,” he added.

He hoped that Sarawak would not only come out to become the overall Sukma champion but also a runaway winner, whereby there is a huge gap between first and second place that disables other contingents from keeping up. — DayakDaily
