By DayakDaily Team
KUCHING, Dec 10: Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg has never said that a credit in the Malay language (BM) for SPM is not required to enter university in Sarawak.
In a Sarawak Public Communication Unit (Ukas) report today, Minister for Education, Innovation, and Talent Development Dato Sri Roland Sagah Wee Inn said that the Premier’s words have been misinterpreted or taken out of context.
According to him, Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) holders would also be considered for admission into Sarawak-owned universities.
“The importance of BM cannot be denied, which is why students under Yayasan Sarawak are still required to obtain a credit score in the subject in SPM,” he said in a statement, as reported by Ukas.
The statement was made in response to language expert, Professor Emeritus Datuk Dr Nik Safiah Abdul Karim, who previously criticised Sarawak’s proposal to allow candidates to enter universities in the State for free starting in 2026 without the requirement of credit in BM at the SPM level.
Sagah added the Sarawak government stressed that the proposal did not mean to ignore the importance of BM, but to provide an alternative route for students through the recognition of UEC.
Sagah said that this policy is in line with the State government’s efforts to ensure more inclusive education without compromising national values, especially the mastery of BM as the official language.
On Dec 8, Abang Johari when speaking during Sarawak United Peoples’ Party’s (SUPP) 26th Triennial Delegates Conference in Kuching, stated that the Sarawak government will provide free tertiary education to all eligible students in any Sarawak-owned universities by 2026, irrespective of their background and social standing.
“We are color blind. As long as you are eligible to enter any Sarawak-owned universities, we give you free tertiary education.
“Even if you come from Chinese middle school (like) Chung Hua, with your UEC, which we recognise, you (are welcome to) enter any Sarawak-owned universities,” Abang Johari uttered. – DayakDaily