Milton Foo: Carry out spot checks to enforce self-quarantine orders

Milton Foo

KUCHING, Feb 14: Authorities are urged to carry out spot checks to the address provided by foreigners entering the state to ensure those affected by the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak are complying with the self-quarantine ruling.

Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Youth secretary-general Milton Foo said the state government must be strict in enforcing the 14 days self-quarantine directive, especially those imposed on travellers from China.

“The state government must mobilise officers to conduct a spot check on the addresses or premises provided by the foreigners upon entry into the state to ensure that they are complying with the directive issued by the Sarawak Disaster Management Committee.


“If it is found that foreigners with work permit or student pass have failed to practise self-quarantine or segregation at the premises provided, they should be blacklisted and their work permits or student pass be revoked followed by repatriation,” he said in a statement.

Foo added that Sarawakians who returned from China should be prosecuted in court and liable to fine, as well as quarantine by force, if they are found not to practise self-quarantine.

He also proposed for the use of the indelible ink, as used in election and indelible for 14 days, to mark those who returned from the areas with the virus outbreak.

“It is the duty of all Sarawakians to work hand in hand to safeguard and protect Sarawak from the Covid-19 outbreak.

“I appeal to the public to report any person who violates the directive of self-quarantine at home for the purpose of public safety to the relevant authority,” he added. — DayakDaily
