Mask up in markets, hawker centres in MBKS areas

Wee (right) addressing a press conference. Also seen is Goh.

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, Sept 14: Operators, traders and visitors to public markets and hawker centres under Kuching South City Council (MBKS) jurisdiction must continue to mask up.

MBKS Mayor Dato Wee Hong Seng explained that the council conducted a poll on wearing face masks particularly in public places like markets and hawker centres within its jurisdiction last week and it received a positive response from the public.


“Majority of the people still prefer to maintain the face mask requirement in markets and hawker centres.

“So we want to urge everybody visiting these public places to please comply with the face mask requirement,” he told a press conference after witnessing the live draw to pick the winners of the Kuching Food Festival (KFF) 2022 Lucky Draw at MBKS headquarters here today.

Noting that face masks are now optional indoors but subject to premises owners’ discretion as announced on Sept 7, Wee however believed that adopting such precautionary measures is important to protect not only oneself but also family members and the community given that Covid-19 cases are still detected in the community even though the pandemic is largely under control in Kuching.

“I think the public are very used to wearing masks now. It is a new norm and there is nothing difficult about it because the awareness is high.

“We hope the situation will get even better and we will review the (face mask) requirement again after two to three months. We hope cases will continue to drop and we don’t have to wear face masks anymore,” he added.

Meanwhile, it is also compulsory for the public to put on face masks when visiting MBKS buildings for any relevant business or matters.

MBKS councillor Goh Tze Hui was also present. — DayakDaily
