Masing visits major global construction players in China

Masing (second right) being briefed by a representative from MBEC.

KUCHING, March 23: Infrastructure Development and Transportation Minister Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing visited some of China’s largest construction companies as part of his study trip to the country.

He received briefings from China Railway Engineering Corporation (CREC) and its subsidiary Major Bridge Engineering Corporation (MBEC).

“MBEC is a major bridge designer and contractor in China and throughout the world. I am impressed with their achievements,” said Masing who is also Deputy Chief Minister.


He said MBEC will be coming to Kuching soon for an official visit.

Masing also visited China Railway Construction Corporation where he was briefed on their projects across the globe.

“Their main focus is rail including light rail transit (LRT) systems and rapid transit systems (RTS).

“Their current work in Wuhan is an LRT interchange system built underground. It goes 34-metres deep, with four floors underground and it is 1,060 kilometres long with 68 stops,” said Masing in a statement today.

He said what impressed him even more was the young age of their engineers who are in their early thirties and their CEOs who are in their fourties.

“Their skills and energy move China. China, as a nation is being fast-forwarded by them.

“This what is happening in China today. It is a generation of young professionals,” said Masing. ā€” DayakDaily
