Masing on the `Sarawak dream’, hopes for the new year

Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing

KUCHING, Dec 31: Sarawakians may have different religious beliefs, cultural backgrounds and political affiliations but everyone’s fate is intertwined with each other.  

In stating this, Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing opined that everyone might have disagreements when there are conflicting ideas and views on how things should be carried out but, in general, Sarawakian’s struggles are the same.

“We are like trees that grow on Sarawak’s soil, and for everyone to flourish, our land needs to be continuously nourished for the greater good of Sarawak and to turn our Sarawakian dream into reality.


“Our dream does not belong to any one of us in particular. It is a dream where growth and prosperity transcend over the whole Sarawak, regardless of region,” Masing said in his New Year message. 

Sarawak’s dream is where all Sarawakians will be nurtured not based on colour or creed but accorded fair chance based on merits.  

“The Sarawak dream is where no one single Sarawakian is left behind in this fair land of ours. For 2019, I hope all of us will work together and walk closer towards achieving this dream,” he added. 

In order for Sarawak to have a future, unity is no longer a choice but a must, and recognition of merits is no longer a favour but a universal language for progress, he said. — DayakDaily
