Masing: It matters for leaders to be grateful

Masir (seated sixth from left), Entulu (seated seventh from right) and Nyallau (seated fifth right) seen in a photo with PSB top leaders including its president, Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh (seated between Masir and Entulu).

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, March 7: Leaders need to be ‘grateful’ to the institution or person which or who has helped them.

Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) president Tan Sri Dr James Masing reiterated this principle following former PRS vice-president-cum-Sri Aman MP Datuk Masir Kujat’s resignation from the party today to join Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB).


“This is the pros and cons of democracy. People are free to move in accordance with their whims and fancies,” he told DayakDaily today.

“All political parties are subjected to this freedom of movement! People are free to jump from one political party to the next.”

Masing, who is also a deputy chief minister, shared that he, being the leader of PRS, had helped many of his ‘boys’ to be in their respective positions of importance and had advised them what needed to be done as leaders.

“One thing of paramount importance is to be grateful to the institution or person which or who has helped them. As human beings, we all have a conscience. It is the measure of who we are,” he said.

“I can tell them the meaning of service to the community, but I can’t guide them to be grateful!” he exclaimed.

Other than Masir, former PRS leaders namely Datuk Joseph Entulu Belaun (former deputy president), Datuk William Nyallau Badak (former Lubok Antu MP), and Edward Kurit (former Supreme Council member) had also been accepted into PSB.

Also joining PSB were former Progressive Democratic Party (PDP) leader and former Marudi assemblyman Datuk Sylvester Entrie Muran and former Teras acting president Banyi Beriak.ā€” DayakDaily
