Man threatens girlfriend’s aunt for disapproving of relationship

Violence against women and children. — file pic. // Photo: PIxabay

MIRI, Sept 25: A man in his late 20’s became enraged after his girlfriend’s aunt disapproved of their relationship.

According to a source, the aunt disapproved of the relationship when she discovered that the man has been abusive towards her niece.

Dissatisfied over the matter, on Sunday (Sept 23) around 4pm, the man went into the aunt’s house in Tudan Desaras to confront her, and quarreled with the older woman.


During the quarrel, the man threatened the aunt by saying that he would bring a group of gangsters to the house if she did not approve of her niece’s relationship with him.

After making the threat, the man fled the house.

Worried over her safety, the aunt who is in her 60’s immediately lodged a police report that same day.

However no arrest has been made so far as police are still investigating. The case is being investigated under Section 506 for criminal intimidation. — DayakDaily
