Man sentenced to 22 years in jail, 8 rotan strokes for raping underage sister

Violence against women and children. — file pic. // Photo: PIxabay

By Jaythaleela K

MIRI, Aug 21: A 27-year-old unemployed man was sentenced to 22 years in prison and eight strokes of the rotan by the Sessions Court here for raping his sister and committing incest.

Judge Steve Ritikos meted out the sentence after the man pleaded guilty on Tuesday morning.


The accused was convicted under Section 376B(1) of the Penal Code for incest which carries a maximum penalty of 30 years’ imprisonment and 10 counts of whipping.

According to the charge sheet, the man had raped his sister and committed incest with her when she was 15-years-old.

The rape occurred in 2015 at an unnumbered house in Kampung Ulu Sungai Miri.

As the result of the offence, the victim became pregnant and gave birth to a baby.

A chemist report showed that the accused is the biological father of the said infant.

The court ordered the jail term to run from February 4, 2019.

Earlier, the accused, who was unrepresented, had pleaded with the court to reduce the sentence as he had repented.

However, Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Aftal Mariz applied for the court sentence to be upheld as the man had committed a serious offence. — DayakDaily
