Man accused of cheating Sarawakians with false job offers in Cambodia acquitted

A statue of Lady Justice. — file pic. // Photo: Pixabay

KUCHING, Feb 28: Magistrate’s Court here discharged and acquitted an odd-job worker who was charged for cheating Sarawakians with false job offers in Cambodia.

Magistrate Nuruhuda Mohd Yusof found that the prosecution had failed to prove a prima facie case and therefore discharged and acquitted the accused.

During cross-examination, the complainant (who was also the victim) admitted that he had been employed for many years in Sarawak before going to Cambodia and he also agreed with the defence that he knew the work procedure before being duly employed by any employers.


The complainant admitted that he knew a work permit had to be obtained before he could be employed. In this case, the complainant did not possess any work permit and for that reason, he flew to Cambodia with the accused without informing his family.

The complainant agreed that if any incident were to happen in Cambodia, where he may be arrested, he was to bear the natural consequences of his actions.

Mohd Ghaffar Abdul Jamal was found to have allegedly cheated Ahmad Zakwan Mohammed Yunus by offering him unlawful work in Cambodia on Nov 22, 2018.

He was charged under Section 415(b) of the Penal Code and punishable under Section 417 of the same Code, which carries imprisonment term which may extend to five years, or with fine or with both, upon conviction.

The accused was represented by Counsel Osman Ibrahim and Fadzillah Osman. —DayakDaily
