Lutong Beach battered by 7-metre high waves, covered in debris

High tide can bring waves as high as seven metres crashing onto the beach.

By Brad Rantayy

MIRI, July 14: Lutong Beach is looking worse for the wear after being lashed repeatedly by strong waves in recent days.

The beach and surrounding areas including roads are covered with sea debris and logs which were washed ashore by strong waves during high tide over the past few days.


Several gabion walls which were built along the beach could not hold back the strong waves which reached up to seven metres high.

Sea debris left by waves on the road near Lutong beach.

Earlier today, Deputy Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Datuk Sebastian Ting Chiew Yew who is also the Piasau assemblyman visited the beach after being told about the seriousness of the situation.

“Various agencies in Miri need to come together and discuss what needs to be done to tackle this issue,” he said.

He pointed out that proper planning is needed to prevent recurrence as the location is frequently visited by the public and numerous local hawkers operate stalls in the area. — DayakDaily
