Look into big data, full automation of operations, Sarawak port industry told

Majang (fourth left) and Paulus (third left) along with MPA board of directors and others take part in the cake cutting ceremony. Photo credit: Ukas

KUCHING, Aug 1: The port industry in Sarawak should look into the full automation of port operations and use the forthcoming digital infrastructure to connect it to global big data systems, says Deputy Minister of Port Development Dato Majang Renggi.

According to a news report by Sarawak Public Communication Unit (Ukas), Majang stated that as Sarawak enters the digital economy, Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) and big data revolution, the State’s port industry should not be left behind.

He also noted that customers are now more knowledgeable than product and service providers or the industry itself, thanks to the advancement of Information and Telecommunication Technology (ICT) and access to information.


Majang, who is also the Samalaju assemblyman, emphasised that the Sarawak government recognises the port’s importance in providing shipping connectivity and interfacing with other ports or nations around the world.

“A thorough study is being conducted, with proposals to deepen the river and provide other assistance to ensure the safety of ships anchored in Kuala Baram.

“I believe that with a deeper access channel and well-established and excellent management systems in place, Miri Port will be able to play a significant role as a catalyst of economic development for Sarawak’s northern region and become an important port that connects Sarawak’s northern region trade to the rest of the world.

“This is a good sign with Srawak’s vision and aspirations to become a developed State with a high-income economy by 2030,” he said when officiating the Miri Port Authority (MPA) Appreciation and Excellence Night 2022 in Miri on Friday night (July 29).

Meanwhile, MPA chairman Paulus Palu Gumbang announced that Miri Port had won the Corporate Excellence category in the Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards (APEA) 2022 Malaysia.

He went on to say that MPA general manager Serawa Budol also won the 2022 Corporate Excellence Category Award for the public sector category.

At the ceremony, the Outstanding Service Awards (APC) for 2019, 2020 and 2021 were presented to 27 recipients, and the Long Service Awards were presented to 28 recipients who have served between 10 and 40 years.

In addition, several employees of the MPA were presented with awards and recognition in various categories. — DayakDaily
