Lodge International School shines with top 2024 Cambridge A-Level results, 37 pct achieve straight As/A*s

Lodge International School shines with exceptional 2024 Cambridge A-Level results.

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, Aug 14: Lodge International School in Kuching is once again celebrating exceptional results for the 2024 Cambridge A-Level examinations.

According to a press release, this year, 37 per cent of the cohort achieved straight As/A*s, with six students attaining straight A*s.


Among the high achievers, Clement Chin Yuen Shen led the pack with five A*s, while David Luk Ku Chian, Carmen Kueh Ning, Lim Zi Jing, Marcus Leong U Han each earned four A*s. Penelope Jade Jing Ying Hopkins secured three A*s.

Notably, Clement Chin Yuen Shen took on a hefty load of five subjects.

Furthermore, students who took Further Maths did exceptionally well, with over 70 per cent achieving A*/As, while 51.4 per cent of Mathematics students achieved A*/As.

The cohort also performed well in the sciences, with roughly two-thirds of the students earning A*/As (63 per cent in Biology, 58.3 per cent in Chemistry, and 63.6 per cent in Physics).

Those taking Social Science subjects also performed well, particularly in Psychology, where 73.3 per cent of students received A*/As. In addition, 66.7 per cent of students in History, 50 per cent in Economics, and 40 per cent in Business received A*/As.

“The Cambridge A-Levels examinations are stringent and demanding, but our students delivered a wonderful performance.

“It could not have been done without their hard work and dedication, as well as the invaluable support of our experienced A-Level teachers and the students’ parents,” Lodge International School principal Markus Gatuman was quoted as saying.

Meanwhile, Lodge International School A-Levels deputy principal Chung Miaw Ling said: “We give our students a holistic education where they learn to make informed choices and take responsibility for their actions.

“They have shown that they are able to achieve academic excellence while also actively participating in extracurricular activities.” — DayakDaily
