Limited placements, unmet criteria among factors MOs, dental officers denied permanent appointments

Senator Rita Sarimah Patrick Insol

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, Sept 3: Limited permanent staffing and failure to meet set conditions and criteria were among the factors contract medical and dental officers were not offered permanent appointments.

Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba revealed that appointments were offered based on seniority of ranking in the list of certified permanent appointments.


“It could also be that the officers are in the cohort which have not been offered permanent appointments because they are still undergoing graduate training or compulsory service,” he told the Dewan Rakyat in responding to Senator Rita Sarimah Patrick Insol today.

Consideration for permanent appointment for medical and dental officers of contract appointment, he explained, was made separately after the officer completed graduate training and/or compulsory services and subjected to the officer fulfilling conditions according to the service scheme as well as meeting set criteria.

“It also takes into account the permanent vacancy from time to time,” he added.

According to Health Ministry records until July 31, 2020, Dr Adham disclosed that 665 medical officers and 477 dental officers of contract appointment had been offered permanent appointment by the Public Service Commission (PSC).

“Of the 475 medical officers, they comprised 311 sponsored by Public Service Department (PSD) and 164 sponsored by Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Mara).

“For the 298 dental officers, they comprised 199 sponsored by PSD and 99 by Mara,” he said.

The government through the provisions under Medical Act 1971 and Dental Act 1971, he added, only has an obligation to provide placement for experience exposure through graduate training and/or compulsory services.—DayakDaily
