Lights out for seven retail outlets facilitating illegal gambling

Police and Sarawak Energy staff cutting off the electricity supply from premises found to be running illegal gambling activities.

KUCHING, July 2: Kuching police cut the electricity supply to seven retail outlets found to be running illegal gambling activities in the city.

Acting Kuching district police chief Supt Merbin Lisa revealed enforcement operations taken against five shops selling mobile phone accessories, one sundry shop and one stall were jointly conducted with Sarawak Energy Bhd (Sarawak Energy) yesterday from 9am to 1.30pm.

“The operations were carried out after our intelligence team and previous raids have found these premises conducting unlicensed gambling activities.


“Under Section 21A of the Common Gaming House Act 1953, police can disconnect power supply to the premises found to be sites of illegal gambling activities,” Merbin disclosed in a statement.

Police and Sarawak Energy staff cutting off the electricity supply from premises found to be running illegal gambling activities.

He also warned business operators and individuals not to engage in unlicensed gambling activities as they are not only illegal but could result in social illnesses such as gambling addiction that can ruin families.

The police will not hesitate to clamp down on such activity and he urged the public to inform the police of any of such information.

Merbin added in the past three days (June 29 to July 1), Kuching police district Criminal Investigation Division has successfully raided six premises for online gambling.

They arrested seven men including one foreign national, aged between 23 and 53-years-old.

If found guilty under Section 4 (1) (c) of the Common Gaming House Act 1953, the suspects are liable to a fine between RM5,000 to RM50,000 and imprisonment for up to three years. — DayakDaily
