Liew Thai Chang’s lantern adjudged the best in mooncake festival contest

Former Deputy Works Minister Yong Khoon Seng poses with the winning lantern (on the left) and the second prize winning entry.

KUCHING, Oct 3: Liew Thai Chang is RM800 richer after winning the lantern-making competition organised by the 17th Kuching Intercultural Mooncake Festival (17KIMF) committee.

Bong Yi Qiang came in second and went home with RM600, while Ho Wei Jing placed third and was rewarded with RM400.

Sim Kiang Chiok, the 17KIMF co-organising chairman, said over 20 entries were received for the competition, and all the lanterns were on public display at Plaza Merdeka throughout the eight-day festival .


“The committee is happy that there was so much interest and talent being shown through their lantern-making skill,” said Sim, in a statement today.

Meanwhile, Yuki Cheong Ke Xin and Sia Zhi Huai won first prize in the children’s colouring contest for Group A (age 7 to 9) and Group B (age 10 to 12), respectively.

For Group A, Yuki brought home RM200, while first runner-up Phua Yee Sian received RM150 and second runner-up Nur Lazzafira Qain Iswandy got RM100.

For Group B, Sia bagged RM300, while Chew Boon Choi, who came in second, got RM200 and Tok Sia Sen, the third place winner, was rewarded with RM100.

There were more than 70 participants in the colouring contest, which was held at Plaza Merdeka on Spet 21 and 22. — DayakDaily
