KPDNHEP Sarikei seizes 600kg of subsidised cooking oil stashed in house

KPDNHEP enforcement officers and police officers raiding the house.

KUCHING, Aug 11: The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) seized 600 kilogrammes of subsidised cooking oil worth RM1,500 in a raid on a house in Sarikei today.

In a statement, KPDNHEP Sarikei Branch chief Mohamad Zawawi said its enforcement team in collaboration with the police from the Special Branch acted to raid the house suspected to have stored 1kg packaged cooking oil in the unlicensed residential premises.

“The 12.30am raid on the house and police inspection resulted in the discovery of 30 boxes of Captain Brand subsidised cooking oil with 20kg per box in 1kg packs.


“The operation with the police from the Special Branch was conducted to ensure that the supply of controlled goods such as sugar, cooking oil and flour as well as other essential items is sufficient in the market and to prevent any misappropriation, smuggling and hoarding of goods,” he said.

Police and KPDNHEP personnel found 30 boxes of cooking oil at the house.

KPDNHEP has warned that it will not hesitate to take strict action against any individual or company involved in any such fraudulent activities and hiding controlled or subsidised goods.

Any person who commits such an offence can be prosecuted under the Supply Control Act (AKB) 1961.

If convicted, penalties include a fine of not more than RM1 million, while for subsequent offenses, a fine not exceeding RM3 million for individuals or jail not exceeding three years, or both.

Companies found guilty can be fined not more than RM2 million, while for subsequent offenses, incur a fine not exceeding RM5 million.

Consumers are advised to channel information related to misappropriation of controlled and subsidised goods to the authorities by sending a message via WhatsApp to 019-2794317 or portal or They may also do so through the Ez ADU mobile application, or contact 1-800-886-800 or the Sarikei Enforcement Command Centre (ECC) at 084-657751. — DayakDaily
