KPDNHEP launches operation to ensure 2-hour shopping time limit in supermarkets, malls

Shopping mall — file photo

KUCHING, May 26: The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) will mobilise 2,262 enforcement officers nationwide to ensure that the commercial sector complies with the two-hour shopping time limit imposed on shoppers starting today.

According to a media statement today, KPDNHEP has launched the 2H Limit Operation (Ops Had 2J) with focus given to enforcing the tightened restrictions under the Movement Control Order (MCO) 3.0 that has been extended in Peninsular Malaysia until June 7.

“The operation will focus on supermarkets, shopping complexes, farmers’ markets, night markets and other premises often crowded by people and are customers’ hotspots.


“The operation will involve strategic collaboration between enforcement agencies such as the Ministry of Health, the police and local government,” the statement read.

KPDNHEP emphasised that the purpose of the operation was also to ensure that there was no crowding that could lead to congestion and cause shoppers to wait longer in shopping premises.

“If there is a breach on this matter, the enforcement officers will not hesitate to take action to compound offenders who do not adhere to the time limit restriction,” it warned.

To ensure the effectiveness of the maximum shopping time limit, KPDNHEP advised people to plan their journey and make a list of items needed to be bought ahead of their shopping trips.

People are also urged to leave the premises immediately after completing their shopping tasks.

“Other than complying with the time limit restriction, all consumers and businesses must also adhere to all existing standard operating procedures (SOP).”

KPDNHEP also called on the management of complexes, supermarkets, agencies and others to play their roles in ensuring compliance to SOP.

“It is hoped that all parties, especially industry players and consumers will take up their responsibilities in ensuring that the domestic trade sectors do not contribute to the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Collaboration from all parties are needed to create a balance between sustaining the nation’s economy and controlling the spread of Covid-19.” — DayakDaily
