Katibas folk alleges native land encroachment

Members of NCR PM/PG Committee of Sg Bangkit/Katibas Tengah holding placards and banner advising a private company not to trespass into “their” land.

SONG, June 8: The NCR PM/PG committee of Sg Bangkit/Katibas Tengah is alleging that a private company had encroached into native customary rights (NCR) land to plant forest, and it wants the activity stopped until a `win-win’ solution is found.

PM is the acronym for `Pemakai Menoa’ (territorial domain), while PG stands for `Pulau Galau’ (communal forest reserve).

Committee chairman Anthony Ero Anyau claimed that the Committee, together with native landowners and representatives of longhouses in the area, reached a consensus to halt the private company from proceeding with the planted forest exercise during a gathering at Mile 30, Harwood Logging Road, Sg Katibas, Song District, yesterday (June 7).


“A memorandum containing the wishes of the native landowners have been drafted and would be submitted to the company concerned, leaders of the country, and the relevant authorities with the hope of achieving a win-win solution,” he said.

Anthony further claimed that during yesterday’s meeting, his Committee was entrusted to monitor illegal logging in the `Pulau Galau’ and `Pemakai Menoa’ areas as it is against lban customs.

“A miring ceremony was also conducted to seek divine help,” he said. — DayakDaily
