Kapit Power Boat Race’s uniqueness can promote Kapit as ecotourism destination in S’wak, says MP

Kapit Power Boat Race 2024. Photo credit: Alexander Nanta Linggi/Facebook

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, July 14: The Kapit Power Boat Race 2024 is a unique event to promote Kapit as one of the ecotourism destinations in Sarawak.

Works Minister Dato Sri Alexander Nanta Linggi, who is also Kapit MP, said that, in conjunction with Baleh-Kapit Raft Sarafi 20240, the event has the potential to attract tourists.


“Water sports and Kapit are synonymous among the local population. It is because of Kapit’s location along the Batang Rajang that it is very suitable to organise this activity,” said Nanta in a statement today.

Nanta taking the opportunity to greet the locals when attending the Kapit Power Boat Race 2024. Photo credit: Alexander Nanta Linggi/Facebook

When attending the race today, Nanta described the event, which saw the participation of more than 100 contestants from Kapit, Song, Belaga, Kanowit, Bintangor, Mukah, Dalat, Sibu, Bintulu, Miri, and also Brunei, as lively and intense.

“The experience of watching a speedboat competition in the middle of the Batang Rajang River is indeed different from others.

“Hundreds of supporters also flooded Kapit town to witness and support their chosen team,” he added. — DayakDaily
