Kanowit residents, longhouse folks engage in fire safety programme

A firefighter teaching a participant how to operate a fire extinguisher.

SIBU, Feb 23: Longhouse fire is a common occurrence due to lack of knowledge by the residents on the preventive measure.

It was for this matter that Kanowit Fire and Rescue Department and PKR Kanowit organised a fire preventive seminar for the town residents and those from longhouses in the district yesterday.

“The participating longhouses are those in the remote area of Kanowit, which could not be reached due to poor road connectivity and can only be reached by boat,” PKR Kanowit said in a statement.


A total of 25 units of fire extinguisher were given out at the programme, with Rh Lajang receiving four units, while Rh Sandah in Ulu Machan received two units.

Fire and Rescue officer Rahimi Agihan conducted a briefing on how to operate the fire extinguishers.

PKR Kanowit chairman, George Chen in his speech, said more fire extinguishers will be given out in the future to ensure every longhouses have several units in an event of fire. — DayakDaily
