JKR: Mile 7 and Mile 10 traffic light junctions to be operational next week


KUCHING, Oct 8: Traffic light junctions in Mile 7 and Mile 10 are expected to be in operation starting Monday (Oct 11) next week.

Public Works Department (JKR) Sarawak in a statement today, said that the construction works for the flyover at both junctions went smoothly, and the initially planned three months’ period for its completion will possibly be shortened to two months.

“It is expected that the Mile 7 junction will be reopened to the public on Oct 11, while the Mile 10 junction will be reopened at the end of this month,” it said.


On the same note, the Department disclosed that the Mile 6 traffic junction will be closed starting Oct 15 to prepare the area for the construction works of the flyover.

According to JKR, to reduce traffic problem, the contractor will provide two temporary lanes to accommodate traffic to and fro between Kuching and Serian.

“With the progress of construction works for Mile 6, 7 and 10 junctions being ahead of the original schedule, it is expected that the Kuching Serian Road (KSR), which is under Work Package Contract 02 (WPC 02), will be completed by March next year, ahead of the original schedule in April,” the statement read. – DayakDaily.
