Installation of CCTVs at Miri Hospital ongoing, board members call for additional public support

Cr Karambir (left) with Ting (clad in yellow attire) and Kinsajasa Sdn Bhd's Business Development manager Arthur Clifford Joseph (centre) checking on the CCTVs installed at Miri Hospital.

By Jaythaleela K

MIRI, April 5: Miri Hospital Board members are currently in the midst of an ongoing fundraising campaign to install closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) in and around Miri Hospital.

The purpose of installing CCTVs is three-fold, disclosed Miri Hospital visitor board chairman Cr Karambir Singh Sangha.


“It is to ensure public safety, patient safety and staff safety and thirdly to comply with the Malaysian Society for Quality in Health (MSQH) accreditation requirement,” he said on Tuesday.

He added this accreditation is an endorsement that Miri Hospital is a safe hospital and that the hospital is providing medical services in accordance to set standards.

“Initially our committee had agreed to start the fundraising campaign for the first phase of the project. However, the response from the public was very good, so sufficient funds were raised to complete three of the four phases of the plan,” he explained.

CCTVs under phase one of the plan will cover the main entrance and exit, and also the exit near the drive-through pharmacy.

The placement of CCTVs at this location serves to deter and reduce the cases of car theft from inside the hospital compound.

“The hospital has had its share of incidents involving car theft and with the CCTVs in place, we hope to see the number of cases to go down and preferably eliminate the problem altogether,” Karambir said.

CCTVs will also be located at the entrance and exits at Level One of the hospital and will also specifically cover the labour wards, special care nursery (SCN), Operating Theatre (OT) and ICU ward under phase two.

This is to comply with MSQH’s accreditation requirements to safeguard mothers and their children undergoing treatment in this facility.

Phase three will cover parts of the Gound Floor corridor.

In total, 24 CCTVs have been installed to-date with the associated cabelling, monitors and video recorders.

“We would like to thank the public for the RM39,970 that has been raised for the installation costs, and with this in mind, we thus appeal for the kind support of the public to carry on contributing towards improvement and safety in our hospital environment,” Karambir said.

“Miri Hospital is our hospital and every bit of good that we pour into the betterment of the hospital will go a long way to improve the quality of services for the people in Miri,” he added.

They are currently seeking funds to implement phase four that will cover the public carparks at the hospital.

Karambir also thanked Miri Hospital director Dr Jack Wong Siew Yu, his staff and security team for the support to have this intiative implemented.

Those who wish to help in the effort can chip in their contributions to the account number of the AHLI LEMBAGA PELAWAT HOSPITAL MIRI (CIMB Bank), account number 8005186014.

Members of the public can contact ALHP Chairman, Karambir Singh Sangha at 0168785500, Treasurer, Iqbal Abdollah at 0198416185, Secretary Kho Yok Chong at 0198144633 or Deputy Chairman, Connie Tang Tung Ming at 0109316589 for more details or feedback related to Miri Hospital.

Earlier on, Karambir and Deputy Minister for Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts I (Tourism) Datuk Sebastian Ting witnessed the handing over of the letter of appreciation to Kinsajasa Sdn Bhd and receipt for RM10,000 towards the installation of the CCTV cameras at Miri Hospital in response to the appeal of RM 25,000 for the final phase. — DayakDaily
