Indonesian jailed for illegal gambling related to 2022 World Cup, overstaying

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By Dorcas Ting

KUCHING, Dec 9: An Indonesian involved in gambling activities related to the 2022 FIFA World Cup was jailed for four months by the Magistrate’s Court here today and sentenced to four months’ imprisonment by the Sessions Court for overstaying in Malaysia.

Diky Anrena, 22, from Kalimantan pleaded guilty to the charge framed under Section 6(1) of the Common Gaming Houses Act 1953, which carries a fine not more than RM5,000 or imprisonment not more than six months, upon conviction.


Magistrate Zaiton Anuar accepted his guilty plea and sentenced him to four months’ imprisonment.

He was found guilty of being involved in illegal gambling activities related to the 2022 FIFA World Cup at a coffee shop in Jalan Petanak, at about 1.50pm on Nov 26.

Besides that, the accused was also charged in the Sessions Court under Section 15(1)(c) of the Immigration Act 1959/63 for overstaying in the country.

Upon investigation, it was found that the accused was holding a visiting pass and the pass had expired on Oct 31.

Sessions Court Judge Maris Agan sentenced him to four months’ imprisonment, with effect from the date of arrest on Nov 26 and the imprisonment term to run concurrently.

Prosecuting Officer Inspector Merylene Lindan Andrew Mang and Deputy Public Prosecutor Ruvinasini Pandian prosecuted while the accused was unrepresented by counsel. — DayakDaily
