Independent investigation committee to be set up following death of six Bomba personnel


By Nigel Edgar

KUCHING, Oct 13: An independent investigation committee will be set up following the death of six Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) personnel earlier this month in Puchong, to look into improving the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) as well as better hardware for Bomba.

Bomba Operations Division director Datuk Abdul Wahab Mat Yasin said the independent investigation committee is to be set up under the Ministry of Housing and Local Government and to consist of experts in diving, from the Health and Safety Department, university lecturers, and professionals.


“The committee would look into not just improving Bomba SOP but also in terms of hardware and equipment that can be better,” he told reporters after closing the Ops Mex Kenyalang 2018 at Samajaya Free Industrial Zone here earlier.

Asked on in what aspects of the SOP would be improved, Abdul Wahab said this would depend on the conclusion of investigation by Bomba’s internal investigation committee as well as the proposed independent committee later.

“I believe there will be some improvements that would need to be done, not just SOP but also operations tactical and assessment by operations commander for each operations.

“This is what we are investigating on and to polish up from all angles to avoid the same incident from happening,” he said.

Asked on the progress of Bomba’s internal investigation on the six fallen personnel, he said investigation would only conclude in a month’s time from when the incident happen.

However, he said, if other agencies were to cooperate efficiently with the internal investigation committee, it could be concluded earlier.

“For example we need the plan or blueprint of the mine, also report from the hospital and other departments involved.

“If this process is fast then we can conclude our investigation sooner,” said Abdul Wahab. — DayakDaily

