KUCHING, Sept 26: Muara Tuang assemblyman Datuk Idris Buang today said he would support the enactment of a Referendum Ordinance if the federal government refused to return Sarawak’s rights and status as enshrined under the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA).
“I am keeping my options open personally. I will only support the enactment of any Referendum Ordinance that meets certain criteria or conditions if the federal government ignores what is requested by the Sarawak government,” Idris told DayakDaily.
He said the return of Sarawak’s rights was of utmost and paramount importance and needed to be safeguarded.
“If the federal government continues to disregard us or doesn’t respect and/or deny the Sarawak government’s requests, such as its efforts in the restoration of Sarawak’s status and rights, our sovereign rights over oil and gas and other minerals as well as our Land code as per MA63 and the IGC Report attached thereto, then we have no choice but to grant our support for the enactment of the Referendum Ordinance,” he said.
Idris, who is Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) information chief, was commenting on the call by Sarawak for Sarawakians (S4S) yesterday for the state to enact a Referendum Ordinance.
S4S’ call was made after one of its leaders attended the ‘Discussion on MA63 and OMO (Oil Mining Ordinance 1958) Amendment (2018) Seminar’ organised by Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) secretary-general Datuk Sebastian Ting in Miri recently.
Idris was among several people who spoke at the seminar. Others include former SUPP treasurer-general Datuk David Teng, State Reform Party (STAR) president Lina Soo and MA63 expert Zainal Ajamain.
At the gathering, the question of enactment of a Referendum Ordinance was raised and the panel of speakers shared their views on it. — DayakDaily