“Sarawak must do something now if it wants to be independent again”


BAU, July 22: If Sarawak yearns to be independent again, the road ahead to achieve this dream will be a long one, opines former Mas Gading MP Patrick Uren.

He said the movement to gain independence might start today, but it could not be expected to happen next year as it would be a long fight.

“Rome was not made in one day. Rome is what it is today because of 2,000 years,” said Patrick at the 722 Celebration held at Central Padang, Bau, today. The event was organised by several non-governmental organisations (NGOs).


He claimed that Sarawak and Sabah were invited to join Malaysia because the first Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, wanted the oil and gas in the two territories.

“He (Tunku) went to borrow money from Brunei and was informed that Brunei was rich because oil and gas. He was also told that in Sarawak, the oil and gas reserve was even more than that of Brunei,” said Patrick.

From left: Miro, Jalumin Bayogoh (of Borneo Heritage Foundation), Patrick, Ng and Henry.

He added that Sarawak was ruled by the British then, and when Sarawak joined Malaysia, it came under Malaysia’s rule.

“We must do something now. We cannot wait while having another 60 years to be under Malaysia’s rule,” he said.

Former Padungan assemblyman Dominique Ng also spoke at the gathering. Tasik Biru assemblyman Henry Harry Jinep and Serembu assemblyman Miro Simuh turned up unexpectedly for about 10 minutes.

The 722 Celebration in Bau was jointly organised by Dayak National Congress (DNC), Sarawak Association for Peoples’ Aspiration (SAPA), Solidarity Anak Sarawak (SAS), and Dayak National Institute (DANI).

Event organiser Alim Mideh said for this year, the demands were immediate compliance with the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), rejection of Petroleum Development Act 1974 (PDA) and Territorial Sea Act 2012 (TSA) in the Sarawak Legislative Assembly, and full recognition of Native Customary Rights land, including ‘Pemakai Menoa’ and ‘Pulau Galau’ (PMPG).

Display of banners and placards used at the gathering.

Its objective was to create awareness and impart factual knowledge of Sarawak history.

The group had earlier met at Kuching Civic Centre. They then convoyed to Central Padang of Bau after circling around Padang Merdeka in Kuching to show their support for Sarawak for Sarawakians (S4S), which was also organising a 722 Gathering there this morning. — DayakDaily
