NGO donates tuberculosis (TB) test equipment to Miri Hospital


By Jaythaleela K

MIRI, Dec 29: Getting the results for tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis done at Miri Hospital can be a two to three months wait. This is because the specimens need to be sent to Sibu, as only Sibu and Kuching have a TB test machine.

But Miri Hospital has bid `goodbye’ to the conventional ways it handles such diagnoses, thanks to Miri Chinese Charitable Trust Board.


The Board donated a TB test equipment (Geneexpert) to the hospital today, and the results for a TB test can now be known within a day!

“All this while, we have been doing conventional tests and send all the specimens to Sibu Hospital for the results (of TB),” revealed Miri Hospital director Dr Jack Wong. “And it takes about two to three months for the results to return to us.”

This RM100,000 machine will not only benefit patients in Miri but those in places such as Baram, Marudi, Limbang and Lawas, too.

Kim Shin (third left), Ting (second left) and others look on as Sie Tong (fourth left) hands over the machine to Dr Wong (third from right).

“With this equipment, patients from afar (outside Miri), in the northern region (of the state), no longer have to travel to Kuching for TB diagnoses,” said Assistant Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Datuk Lee Kim Shin.

Kim Shin was met at Miri Hospital today. He was there to witness the handing over of the equipment by Miri Chinese Community Leaders Association chairman Temenggong Datuk Seri Lee Sie Tong to Miri Hospital director Dr Jack Wong.

Also present were Piasau assemblyman Datuk Sebastian Ting, and Miri Chinese Charitable Trust Board members.

Kim Shin applauded the Board for their effort in raising funds to purchase the equipment.

On another matter, Kim Shin urged the federal government to speed up the upgrading of Miri Hospital since allocation for the purpose had been approved.

“Miri Hospital is a vital medical provider not only catering for city folks but those in the interior areas and the northern region,” he emphasised. — DayakDaily
