Home Surveillance, Release Orders going digital and available thru MySejahtera

Dr Melvin Chung

BINTULU, Sept 23: Home Surveillance Orders (HSOs) and Release Orders (ROs) for Covid-19 patients and close contacts in Bintulu will now be uploaded to the MySejahtera app, instead of issued via hardcopy.

Bintulu Divisional Health Officer Dr Melvin Chung said quarantine instructions are now available via digital HSO after rapid test polymerase chain reaction (rT-PCR) swabs have been taken.

Results of swab tests will also be made known via MySejahtera where the panels’ colour will change indicating the start of a quarantine period.


“After the quarantine period, there will be an official release letter with the official stamp of MOH (Ministry of Health) attached in the application.

“Those who are undergoing quarantine could use the documents available to inform their employers or relevant agencies of their absence to work,” Dr Melvin told Sarawak Public Communications Unit (Ukas) on Sept 21.

He also explained that there will be a “completed” button on the upper right corner of the app when the quarantine period expires.

Notice by Bintulu Divisional Health Department on digital HSOs and ROs.
— DayakDaily
