Hidup aims to keep alive the spirit of giving, making a difference in the community

Hidup’s outreach program at Kampung Senah during Hari Raya Korban last year.

By Peter Sibon

KUCHING, Jan 25: Habitat for Indigenous and Urban Program (Hidup) plans to operate a new community rehabilitation centre (PPDK) at Teng Bukap in Padawan soon.

It is awaiting final approval from the Welfare Department, said Hidup chairman cum founder George Young Si Ricord Junior.


He revealed that Hidup was registered last year, and it aimed to inculcate a spirit of giving, creating awareness and in making a difference in the community.

“We aim to be the platform and conduit for many gifts, talents and drive for the betterment of our fellow community,” Young told DayakDaily today.

Last year, Hidup implemented several community projects, including Hari Raya Korban at Kampung Senah Rayang, Jalan Link, Tebedu; donate wheelchairs to PDK Mambong; organising eye screening and general health checks at Kampung Tijirak; donate school materials to SK Plaman Dunuk and St Gregory Kpg Giam; and general health, dental and eyes screening at Kampung Riih Daso.

Hidup’s combo pictures of its outreach program at Kampung Sungei Resat last October.

Young explained that the objective of setting up Hidup was to assist in enhancing the lives of indigenous and the urban poor through outsourcing of labour and/or rendering financial support and to extend “our hands to the less privileged, regardless of race, creed or religion”.

“The vision of Hidup is based on the reflection of the life of a person, community/village or habitat environment of a group of people, the positive and negative, the successes and challenges, and the migration from rural to urban,” he said.

Hidup’s mission is in promoting vibrant life energy that symbolises life and growth in the community and the environment

Those interested to assist could follow Hidup’s Facebook via its account at Hidup Kuching, and all financial contributions could be made to its BSN account 1310029100000364. — DayakDaily

