Henry: Make Lawas a division

Datuk Henry Sum Agong (file pic)

By Adrian Lim

LAWAS, Feb 22: Lawas MP Datuk Henry Sum Agong has proposed to the state government that Lawas be elevated from a district into a division.

He believed Lawas would be able to attract more visitors due to its uniqueness as the place is located close to neighbouring countries such as Brunei, Indonesia, Federal Territory of Labuan and Sabah and is expected to enjoy greater development once the district is upgraded.


Following a visit to Long Bawan in Indonesia’s North Kalimantan recently, Henry observed that the place was well developed and had grown vibrant.

As a result, he anticipates more visitors to come to Lawas and urged the state government to open the gates of the border checkpoints all the time.

“Currently, after midnight, we are not able to go out to Miri or Sabah because the gate of the border checkpoints is closed.

“If it is possible, we would like to request the state government to enable the gate of the border checkpoints to be open at all times,” he said in his speech during the launching of Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) Lawas Zone at Lawas Court here today.

On top of his proposal to elevate Lawas into a division, Henry suggested that Sundar and Trusan become districts and Merapok and Ba Kelalan be turned into sub-districts.

He explained that the request to elevate Lawas into a division was the wish of the Lawas people and noted that it would facilitate official correspondence between the people and the government agencies.

On another note, he also appealed to the state government to provide healthcare facilities for critically ill patients in Lawas.

He stated that currently, critically ill patients in Lawas had to be referred to Miri Hospital or Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Kota Kinabalu.

Henry also appealed to the state government for the construction of roads so that it would provide faster travelling time for the people of Lawas to reach their intended destinations.

Road connectivity would also be vital in transporting suspects or criminal offenders in Lawas who have to be sent to Limbang or Miri for court proceedings. —DayakDaily
