Health Ministry announces new cluster in Bintulu

Dr Noor Hisham addressing the media during the daily Covid-19 updates at Putrajaya today. Photo Credit: Radio Television Malaysia (RTM).

KUCHING, June 19: The Health Ministry today announced a new cluster in Kidurong, Bintulu, linked to a university student.

“All the infected cases from this cluster are the student’s family members,” Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said at the ministry’s press conference in Putrajaya today.

According to the Sarawak State Disaster Management Committee, to-date, a total of six positive cases were reported from this cluster.


The student, who was studying in Mukah had recently returned to Bintulu.

Meanwhile, Dr Noor Hisham said the ministry is mulling to make the Covid-19 vaccination compulsory once it is developed.

“However, we need to conduct a study on the side effects and effectiveness of the vaccine first before making any decision on this matter. Furthermore, the search for Covid-19 vaccine is still ongoing,” he said.—DayakDaily
