GPS to continue NCR land surveys, raising income of rural folks if returned to govt after PRN12

Uggah showing a properly packed traditional biscuit to the audience while delivering his speech at the Rh Jimmy Ngelambai AgriCOP programme yesterday.

SPAOH, Nov 22: Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) wants to survey more Native Customary Rights (NCR) land and to raise the income of rural folks through modern agriculture programmes if returned to government after the 12th Sarawak Election (PRN12), says Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas.

He said the Sarawak government has surveyed more than 1,011,566 hectares of land under the NCR land initiative since 2010 and that the Land and Survey Department (L&S) had also gazetted 780,203 hectares of the total land which had been surveyed.

“The survey under Section 6 would enable the NCR land to be gazetted and subsequently be issued with land titles under Section 18 of the State Land Code.


“Then we can think of how best to develop the massive mass in order to generate income for the owners,” he said when officiating at an Agriculture Community Outreach Programme (AgriCOP) at Rh Jimmy Ngelambai in Ulu Bayor near here yesterday.

Uggah, who is also the Minister of Modernisation of Agriculture, Native Land and Regional Development said the socio-economic programmes would be modern agriculture oriented.

“We want farmers to produce the quantity and quality for export. We have a number of activities in cash crops, vegetables and fruits farming besides livestock breeding.

“We are now introducing modern concepts of fruit and vegetable farming such as fertigation and hydroponics.

“The AgriCOP series held statewide is all about these,” he added.

Uggah said the government would guide all interested farmers and give them all the relevant support. — DayakDaily
