GPS calls on Anwar to appoint more Dayaks from Sarawak to be deputy ministers

Dato Sri Alexander Nanta Linggi (file photo)

KUCHING, Dec 8: Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) secretary general Dato Sri Alexander Nanta Linggi is calling on more Dayaks to be appointed as deputy ministers in the unity government.

To him, the perfect scenario is for all minority ethnic communities such as the Bidayuh, the Lun Bawang, the Kayan/Kenyah, the Melanau as well as the Iban should all be given the opportunity to be involved in the unity government.

“Members of Parliament (MP) from various ethnic groups that I mentioned are obviously capable and had served for several terms as MPs and Senators.


“Almost all of them had served as deputy ministers and one of them had also served as a Dewan Negara Deputy Speaker (Sri Aman MP Dato Sri Doris Sophia Brodie). Therefore, the broad experience of this line of leaders must be seen as a consideration to be appointed as deputy ministers in this unity government.

“Not to be forgotten, MPs from Sarawak’s Chinese community should also be given the opportunity to be appointed as deputy minister. This includes candidates from DAP. Such a formation will reflect the unity among multiracial leaders in this country under the unity government administration,” said Nanta in a press statement today.

He also named Puncak Borneo MP Datuk Willie Mongin (Bidayuh) and Lawas MP Datuk Henry Sum Agong (Lun Bawang), Mukah MP Dato Sri Hanifah Taib (Melanau), Datuk Annie Ngau (Kayan/Kenyah), Hulu Rajang MP Datuk Wilson Ugak Kumbong (Iban) and Doris (Iban).

“I fully understand that it is the prerogative of the YAB Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to choose and decide whomever he deems fit to hold the position of deputy minister.

“However, it is also expected of me as a Dayak leader in GPS to express the sentiments and hopes of the Dayak community of Sarawak to the Federal government.

“I sincerely believe that the YAB Premier of Sarawak, Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg, who is also GPS chairman, shares the same view with me on this matter,” said Nanta.

Nanta who is Works Minister said Abang Johari’s outstanding success in leading Sarawak is due to his inclusive style as well as the latter’s full understanding of the fact that Sarawak is indeed multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-cultural, multi-religious and has a very diverse population.

“I believe in the wisdom of the YAB Prime Minister in considering this matter. It is my hope that whoever is elected should take this responsibility with full integrity to ensure that the agenda of national economic recovery and the well-being of the people can be realised successfully,” said Nanta. — DayakDaily
