GPS backbenchers slams PKR man over ‘penniless govt’ allegation

A file photo of the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly building.

KUCHING, July 1: The Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) Backbenchers Club (GPSBBC) rebutted online activist Iswardy Morni who had alleged the State government has run out funds to the point that it is unable to assist the people affected by Covid-19.

GPSBBC in a statement today, said the state government has always exercised financial prudence and through this approach, it has been able to maintain good financial ratings from notable credit rating agencies worldwide.

“This is reflected in its ability to roll out several assistance (initiatives) to the people through the Sarawakku Sayang Special Assistance (BKSS) which is worth more than RM4.5 billion divided over six iterations from BKSS 1.0 to 6.0.


“Under BKSS 6.0, the state government also provided allocations for BKSS food aid distributed to residents affected by the Movement Control Order (MCO) in all 82 state constituencies worth RM35.5 million,” it said.

GPSBBC noted this is on top of the current expenditure set aside to manage the spread of Covid-19 in the State which included cost of quarantine, PCR swabs and the procurement of equipment needed by the medical frontliners.

“To say that the State government is penniless is untrue and is merely an accusation that is not backed by any facts and figures,” it added.

GPSBBC also pointed out that the State government’s track record, be it in terms of financial management as well as its initiatives to lessen the burden of the people, speaks for itself.

“This is evident throughout the last one-and-a-half year period, when the pandemic reached Sarawak, and the elected representatives of the GPS State government have continued to be on the ground doling out assistance and relief to their constituents,” it added. — DayakDaily.
