Govt to tar-seal Miri-Marudi road soon, build Marudi bridge — Penguang

An artist's impression of the proposed RM84 million Marudi bridge.

KUCHING, August 21: If everything goes according to plan, travels between Marudi and Miri will be a smooth drive come 2022.

To materialise this vision, two things are expected to happen by the end of this year, said Marudi assemblyman Datu Dr Penguang Manggil.

Firstly, the 43.2km Miri-Marudi Road would be tar-sealed. Currently, the road has been gravelled.


“The contractor has given its promise that it will complete tar-sealing the road by the end of the year. This will definitely bring great joy to the people of Marudi,” he told DayakDaily today.

Secondly, the tender to build the proposed Marudi bridge would be called by this year-end.

“So, hopefully, by next year the construction of the bridge can start. And by 2022, we hope we can have a smooth drive from Miri to Marudi,” said the Assistant Minister of Local Government.

The proposed RM84 million bridge was announced by then Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak last April, but Penguang said it would be built using state funds. When completed, the bridge would benefit some 30,000 Marudi residents. — DayakDaily
