Govt, local community come to aid of Landeh fire victims

Lo (sixth left) witnessing the handing over of aid to the victims while others look on at the site of the fire in Kota Padawan on June 12, 2024. Photo credit: Lo Khere Chiang

By DayakDaily Team.

KUCHING, June 12: Fire victims from Landeh Batu 10 Kota Padawan received aid from Kuching Social Welfare Department, Pasar Batu 10 Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK) and Hock Teck Temple Kota Padawan.

In a statement today, Batu Kitang assemblyman Datuk Lo Khere Chiang, who led the visit and handing over of the aid revealed that the victims, identified as Mr Liew, and his four family members, survived the fire that occurred at around 12.30 pm yesterday with no casualties.


Lo highlighted that the actual cause of the fire is still under investigation by the authorities.

He extended his gratitude to the Kuching Division Disaster Management Committee and the Kuching District Office, including the Kuching Division Resident’s Office, Siburan Fire and Rescue Department, Kuching Division Social Welfare Office as well as all parties involved for generously extending their help to the fire victims.

Also present during the visit and the handover of aid to the fire victims were Temenggong Datuk Tan Joo Phoi, Penghulu Lim Eng Huat, Kapitan Lim Eng Kok, Cr Shirley Pui, Cr Alvin Chong and members of the Pasar Batu 10 JKKK. — DayakDaily
