Good response to free rabies vaccination initiative in Miri  

Veterinary personnel carrying out the vaccination as Lee (green shirt) looks on.

MIRI Oct 6: At least 1,461 dogs were vaccinated today at three locations on the first day of the two-day free mass vaccination campaign here.

According to Divisional Veterinary officer (Miri Division) Dr Slymie Al-Harir, 450 dogs were vaccinated at Taman Bulatan, 523 dogs at Taman Awam and 488 dogs at Lutong as at 2.56pm.

A total 3,000 rabies vaccines have been prepared for the two-day event to curb the spread of the deadly disease.


The next free vaccination session will be held tomorrow (Oct 7).

Meanwhile, Assistant Minister of Tourism, Art and Culture Datuk Lee Kim Shin is urging all dog owners to take advantage of the free vaccination to help prevent the spread of rabies here.

Lee was spotted visiting one of the locations this morning together with Pujut assemblyman Datuk Sebastian Ting and mayor Adam Yii. — DayakDaily

