Gerawat to defend Mulu seat in 12th Sarawak Election

Abang Johari speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony for Mulu Service Centre.

By Karen Bong

MIRI, Nov 23: Mulu incumbent Datuk Gerawat Gala will defend his seat in the 12th Sarawak Election on Dec 18.

Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg confirmed this as he believes Gerawat will further propel the development and economic growth of Mulu.


“With the collaboration of (Baram MP) Anyi (Ngau), I am confident Mulu areas, through HDA (Highland Development Authority), will be properly developed.

“This includes Mulu which has been elevated to a sub-district with a SAO (Sarawak Administrative Officer) who is young and energetic.

“We can continue to develop this area. I am sure you have some ideas on how to transform this area,” he said at the groundbreaking ceremony for Mulu Service Centre at a hotel here today.

If Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) continues to be given a strong mandate to govern Sarawak, Abang Johari vowed to find ways and means to bring and implement all needed development for the prosperity of the people and Sarawak.

“I believe Mulu will progress and benefit its villagers, especially in terms of water and electricity which are very costly and difficult to implement,” he added.

Among the significant State government-funded initiatives, he pointed out, was the Sarawak Alternative Rural Electrification Scheme (Sares) that uses solar energy to provide 24-hour electricity to areas yet to be connected to the grid and the Sarawak Alternative Water Supply (Sawas) programme that cost RM4 billion to implement.

“Which other government does this other than GPS? I dare to do this because I have made the calculations and how to get the funding,” he said.

Hitting back at the Opposition for their claim that Sarawak would go bankrupt in three years under his leadership, the GPS chairman emphasised that this is his fourth year and clearly Sarawak has not gone bankrupt but instead, the revenue of the State has increased.

“Opposition talks only but don’t work. I say and work because I fear God, because I know I will be questioned and judged when I meet my creator one day.

“In any religions whether Islam or Christian, one day we will be asked what we have done. So I can say I have done the Mulu Service Centre. Our discipline according to our religions is important,” he said.

“When the time comes, there won’t be Gerawat’s face (on the ballot paper). There is a picture of this (pointing at the GPS Hornbill logo) in black and white with the GPS name.

“I have given you my promise and I hope the people will also fulfill their promises on the ballot (gesturing the X sign) when time comes,” he said.

He also pledged to return to inspect the progress of the Mulu Service Centre after the election. ā€” DayakDaily
