Gawai Dayak Bazaar 2024 entrepreneurs achieve sales exceeding RM2 mln

Dr Jerip strikes a gong to mark the closing of Gawai Dayak Bazaar 2024 at MJC Batu Kawah on May 26, 2024.

By Wilfred Pilo

KUCHING, May 26: Deputy Minister of Transport Datuk Dr Jerip Susil highlights that the entrepreneurial cluster consisting of 180 stalls at Gawak Dayak Bazaar 2024 held from May 16 to 26 has achieved sales of RM2.003 million.

Dr Jerip elaborated that this figure surpassed sales recorded at the 2023 Gawai Bazaar.


“This is the highest sales ever recorded, and we want to say well done to our entrepreneurs and the Sarawak Department of Agriculture, the committee that manages the business stalls.

He announced this before officiating at the closing of Gawak Dayak Bazaar 2024 at MJC Batu Kawah New Township tonight.

Dr Jerip revealed the 180 stalls under the entrepreneurship cluster were selling food and beverage, handicraft, services including sewing, and jewelry and accessories such as beads and others.

He pointed out that during the opening of Gawai Dayak Bazaar 2024, its organising committee chairman Dato Sri Roland Sagah Wee Inn, who is the Minister of Education, Innovation and Talent Development, outlined three organising clusters that emphasise the entrepreneurial aspect of creating a resilient and secure economy to ensure that the people’s income, is given priority.

“The second cluster being that of the performing arts cluster, with entertainment and local talent appearances, and the third cluster is sports and recreation,” he highlighted.

Dr Jerip also disclosed that Gawai Dayak Bazaar 2025 will be hosted by the Orang Ulu community, and he hoped that this event will be merrier, bigger and set more records.

Deputy Minister for Utility and Telecommunication Datuk Liwan Lagang, Deputy Minister for Labour, Immigration and Project Monitoring Datuk Gerawat Gala, Deputy Minister for Transport II Datuk Henry Harry Jinep, Deputy State Secretary Datu Buckland Bangik and Greater Kuching Coordinated Development Agency (GKCDA) Chief Executive Officer Datu Ik Pahon Joyik were also present. — DayakDaily
