Funeral service highlights life and legacy of late Senate President Datuk Mutang Tagal

Nine PDRM pallbearers carrying the late Datuk Mutang's casket into the church hall for the funeral service today (May 13, 2024).

By Tedong Rantayy

MIRI, May 13: The funeral service for the late Senate President, Datuk Mutang Tagal, took place at BEM Canada Hill Church this morning.

Amidst a gathering of mourners and family members paying their final respects, the service was also a poignant tribute to a well respected figure.


Dignitaries from various spheres were in attendance, including the Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Malaysia, Irfan Dadudov, and Deputy President of the Malaysian Senate, Senator Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed, and Deputy Minister in the Sarawak Premier’s Department (Labour, Immigration and Project Monitoring) Datuk Gerawat Gala, reflecting the profound impact of Mutang’s life and work.

Family members waiting at the compound of BEM Canada Hill Church for the arrival of Mutang’s casket.

The casket arrived at the church at 10.30am, followed by a solemn procession into the church hall at 10.40am.

The order of service was led by Reverend Bina Agong, featuring prayers, worship, and readings from the Bible, offering solace and reflection to the gathered mourners.

Eulogies were delivered by Mutang’s three children, Rining, Saran, and Bian, along with heartfelt words from his sister, Sandra Munga Tagal, celebrating his legacy and the memories shared.

Following the service, the casket will depart for Fairy Park Miri at 1pm for the burial ceremony, where Reverend Robinson Simunyi will lead the congregation in prayer at 1.30 pm. — DayakDaily

Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Malaysia, Irfan Dadudov (front row, left) and Sarawak Deputy Minister in the Premier’s Department (Labour, Immigration and Project Monitoring) Datuk Gerawat Gala (front row, second left), were among the dignitaries attending today’s funeral service (May 13, 2024).