From dabai to rafflesia: Sarawak Agrotourism Conference & Expo invites participants to discover, shape sector’s future

Sarawak AgroTourism Conference and Expo (SAtCE) 2023 is scheduled to be held on Aug 28–30, 2023.

FAMOUS for dabai, an astonishing variety of bananas, wild ferns like paku and midin, as well as the allure of its pristine natural rainforest featuring spectacular waterfalls, adventure, nature trails where the rarest of flowers such as rafflesia and bunga bangkai (corpse flower) bloom in splendour, Sarawak emerges as a compelling destination to host Malaysia’s first Sarawak Agrotourism Conference and Expo (SAtCE).

The three-day SAtCE, scheduled for Aug 28 to 30 at Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK), promises to be a one-of-a-kind event that spotlights the region’s abundant agrotourism potential.

But more importantly, this is where stakeholders and aspiring entrepreneurs can elevate their profiles, exchange knowledge and best practices, forge valuable networks, establish direct connections, explore collaborations, identify new markets, and showcase the latest innovations and technologies. Secure your spot today and join us in Sarawak for an enriching experience.


Organised by Derrisen Sdn Bhd in collaboration with the Ministry of Food Industry, Commodity, and Regional Development (M-FICORD) and Business Events Sarawak, SAtCE revolves around the theme “Promoting Agrotourism Sustainably”.

The stunning and picturesque landscape of Bario Highlands in Sarawak that offers the perfect backdrop for agrotourism. Photo credit: bariofoodfestival Facebook page
The variety of food featured during the recent Pesta Nukenen at Bario Highlands. Photo credit: bariofoodfestival Facebook page

This exceptional gathering aims to highlight and promote Sarawak and the wider region’s agrotourism offerings on the global stage, fostering collaboration between local and international participants and experts to further develop the agrotourism sector in Sarawak and Malaysia.

As the largest State in Malaysia, Sarawak boasts an expansive tropical rainforest area covering approximately 7.7 million hectares, brimming with rich biodiversity, distinctive ecosystems, extraordinary biological elements, and a tapestry of cultural experiences waiting to be unraveled.

Paired with its well-developed infrastructure, agricultural diversity, and the warm hospitality of its local communities, Sarawak is ready to welcome the world to discover the wonders of agrotourism in the heart of Malaysia.

Why choose Sarawak for agrotourism?

Organiser Derrisen Sdn Bhd project director Karen Goi emphasised that Sarawak boasts an abundance of products and destinations that make agrotourism a viable success and rewarding venture. Additionally, the region benefits from extensive support from various government agencies and established infrastructure that can facilitate and enhance the agrotourism experience for visitors.

Collaborative efforts, she said, will be crucial to map out the “agrotourism centres” across the State, and offer visitors a chance to experience farm stays and immerse themselves in rural life.

“Our mission is not only to host the event but also (be) alongside M-FICORD in raising awareness about agrotourism opportunities, to diversify farm income, increase resilience, and build sustainable agrotourism businesses and rural communities.

“They will continue to facilitate this through training programmes, networking, advocacy and research initiatives, and strategic marketing efforts to achieve these goals,” she explained.

Karen Goi

Getting the best of both worlds

As a burgeoning industry worldwide, agrotourism offers a unique convergence of agriculture and tourism, providing visitors with diverse experiences that connect them with primary producers and enable them to learn about the source of their food.

Emphasising the importance of aligning with a “farm-to-table” approach, Goi pointed out it not only increases income for farmers but also reduces food costs, ensures food quality, and lowers carbon footprint.

“Agrotourism has potential to diversify income streams for farmers, boost cash flow, bolster their resilience and foster entrepreneurship within the agriculture sector, thus enhancing food security and benefiting rural communities through investment and employment opportunities,” she said.

The allure of agrotourism lies in the chance for tourists to connect with the land, its people, and its animals while gaining insight into the origins of their food. With Sarawak’s abundance of natural wonders and agricultural diversity, the region is poised to offer a truly enriching and immersive agrotourism experience to all who participate and visit.

The allure of agrotourism lies in the chance for tourists to connect with the land, its people, and its animals while gaining insight into the origins of their food. Photo credit: bariofoodfestival Facebook page
A resident of Bario showcasing a variety of produce from their farmland. Photo credit: bariofoodfestival Facebook

Revolutionise the future of agrotourism: Uniting stakeholders for sustainable growth

SAtCE promises to be a transformative event that brings together local and international participants and experts, including farmers, policymakers, and stakeholders, to foster collaboration and exchange ideas under one roof. This dynamic gathering aims to showcase agrotourism products and services, building a robust network and laying the foundation for the growth of the agrotourism sector in Sarawak and Malaysia.

By raising awareness and promoting agrotourism, SAtCE seeks to propel the sector to the forefront, ensuring its sustained and healthy development.

With an anticipated gathering of 350 delegates and 50 exhibitors from the agriculture, tourism, and agrotourism sectors, this inaugural event is set to be a catalyst for international awareness of Sarawak’s agrotourism offerings, benefiting the agriculture sector and fostering its well-being.

M-FICORD MInister Dato Sri Dr Stephen Rundi Utom flagging off the Farm to Farm Travelogue organised in conjunction with SAtCE recently.
Goi (second row, fourth right) together with the organising committee during a meeting for SAtCE recently.

This gathering will also facilitate ministries and government agencies in disseminating valuable information to visitors, offering informative and hands-on advice on policies, guidelines, and sustainable practices. The goal is to instill a culture of sustainable environment preservation while promoting agrotourism to the public.

Sarawak’s unwavering commitment to enhancing infrastructure, combined with aggressive efforts towards becoming a net food exporter by 2030, highlights the region’s dedication to elevating its economy and self-sufficiency. It is also steadfast in positioning itself as a responsible tourism hub, to solidify Sarawak’s reputation as a prime tourist destination.

The focus on promoting agrotourism sustainably at SAtCE goes beyond benefiting the industry; it also uplifts farmers, the economy, and rural communities. This endeavour is a significant step towards ensuring a thriving and resilient agrotourism sector that benefits all stakeholders involved. Together, we can revolutionise the future of agrotourism, creating a sustainable and prosperous path for Sarawak’s and Malaysia’s agricultural and tourism sectors.

Speakers to watch

The upcoming SAtCE boasts an impressive line-up of over 20 esteemed industry experts from Malaysia and eight other countries namely Australia, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand and the Netherlands.

These thought leaders will share their vast knowledge and expertise on specialised agrotourism topics, covering everything from policies in other countries, challenges, best practices, sustainability, to captivating case studies of success stories.

From Sarawak and Malaysia, Sirai Daha, the permanent secretary to M-FICORD will provide an insightful overview of the agriculture industry in Sarawak which is aiming to transform and sustain the rural economy through modernisation and commercialisation. Prof Dr Vikneswaran Nair from DISTED College Penang, a specialist in sustainable and responsible tourism, will enlighten attendees on how to realise a truly regenerative and sustainable agrotourism model that offers visitors impactful experiences while revitalising local environments and cultures.

Dr Ramesh Boonratan, the Regional Vice-Chair of IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group Thailand, will explore the gaps that need closing and the linkages required for sustainable agrotourism. He will advocate for the development of a State-level Agrotourism Masterplan for Sarawak to achieve this vision.

A keynote presentation highlight from Australia’s John Stanley, founder of John Stanley Associates will share insights during the session titled “Agrotourism: Its Time has Arrived for Sarawak” and ways to develop unique and viable agri-tourism experiences, drawing inspiration from the award-winning agri-tourism destination Chesnut Brae Farm in Southwest Australia.

John Stanley

Marijke Dunselman, founder of Agritourism NZ in New Zealand, will showcase how New Zealand transformed its traditional agriculture economy by embracing tourism, diversifying farm income, and achieving foreign export earnings.

Representing Sarawak’s closest neighbour, Indonesia, Dr I Gusti Bagus Rai Utama, an associate professor of Tourism at Dhyana Pura University Bali, will share insights via his session titled “Agrotourism as an Alternative Form of Tourism in Bali.” The focus will be on the contributions to the economy and social improvements for local communities despite challenges and barriers.

Hailing from the Philippines, Dr Lanndon Ocampo from Cebu Technological University will share insights on creating sustainable tourism indicators to effectively plan and manage the sustainability performance of farm tourism sites. Assoc Prof Dr Kafferine Yamagishi will discuss challenges, strategies, and insights for the future of farm tourism in the Philippines. Dr Nova A Ramos, Head of Training and Development Unit, Education and Collective Learning Department (SEARCA), will explore the capacity-building initiatives SEARCA has undertaken to elevate farm tourism in the region.

Marijke Dunselan

Dr Ming-Chang Lin from National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan, will shed light on how the agricultural sector’s support for leisure areas, farms, rural community enterprises, and policy backing has positioned Taiwan as a global leader in agrotourism.

From India, Pandurang B Taware, founder of Agritourism Development Corporation, will focus on Maharashtra’s leading role in agri-tourism in the country, supporting income, employment, and economy stability in rural communities. Arul James Edwin Thambu, founder of Tamilnadu Agrotourism Network Corporation, will present an innovative concept of an eco-village fostering a community dedicated to embracing an organic lifestyle.

The sessions by these distinguished speakers will undoubtedly shape the future of agrotourism, igniting inspiration and collaboration among attendees at the SAtCE 2023.

Secure a spot now

The three-day event is now open for participation booking and the organiser has tailor-made a series of marketing and promotional packages to assist industry players showcase their products and services to their targeted audiences.

The conference pass is priced at RM800, and there’s an attractive 15 per cent discount for group bookings of five or more. The package includes a two-day conference pass, lunch, coffee breaks, comprehensive conference materials, and exclusive access to the networking reception on the evening of the first day.

For exhibitors, secure your booth now at RM950 per square metre. The booth package includes board panels, vinyl letters for exhibitor’s name and booth numbers on the fascia board, fluorescent lights, an information counter, comfortable folding chairs, and a power socket.

Interested parties may contact the organiser at or or 012-444 6072 for further details. For more information about SAtCE, visit and follow them on Facebook and LinkedIn. — DayakDaily
