Food aid en route to 73,000 households in Sibu, Selangau and Kanowit

Abang Johari (centre) hands over food aid to a recipient witnessed by Awang Tengah (left) and Fatimah (right).

SIBU, Jan 20: Food aid is in the process of being delivered to 73,000 homes in Sibu, Kanowit and Selangau which are currently under the Movement Control Order (MCO).

Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg today officiated at a brief ceremony to hand over the food aid totaling RM5.1 million to various representatives to be delivered latest by today to the three districts which comprises 11 state constituencies.

The food aid amounting to RM70 per package per household consists of rice, sugar, flour, tinned sardines, tea and coffee, cooking oil, biscuits and instant noodles.


The state government, through its Food Supply Chain Committee chaired by Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan and the Security Committee led by Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing, had met on Jan 18 to strategise over and coordinate the delivery of food aid to affected residents in Sibu.

Abang Johari (centre) handing over food aid to Dr Annuar (right) witnessed by Awang Tengah (left).

Awang Tengah, in a media conference today, revealed that the Sibu Divisional Disaster Management Committee (Sibu DMC) in collaboration with various stakeholders including district officers, community leaders, village chieftains, Village Security and Development Committees (JKKK) and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) had identified households eligible to receive food aid.

“The allocations for the provision of food essentials had been channeled directly to the Sibu DMC with the support from District DMC of Sibu, Selangau and Kanowit,” he said.

Aware of the challenges involved, he hoped all affected households will receive the food aid soon and gave assurance that all stakeholders will work together to ensure no one will be left out.

“The distribution and delivery of food aid will be carried out smoothly in compliance with standard operating procedure (SOP) involving various agencies including Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP), Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba), Civil Defence Force, Armed Forces, local authorities, community leaders, JKKK as well as relevant departments and NGOs,” he added.

In terms of logistics, Awang Tengah explained that the implementing agencies may also make necessary arrangements such as outsourcing services for land, air and water transportation in the event that they have insufficient assets to be mobilised for the delivery.

“We will give our support to them to coordinate the delivery and ensure all households received the much needed food aid,” he said.

Awang Tengah (centre) speaking at a press conference together with Fatimah (left) and Dr Annuar (right).

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Welfare, Community Wellbeing, Women, Family and Childhood Development through the State Welfare Department is currently distributing food aid and other essentials such as milk, diapers and sanitary pads to some 700 families comprising 3,800 people at 32 longhouses.

In addition, cooked food has also been distributed to 52 frontliners at a quarantine centre and 46 frontliners manning road blocks in four locations.

Minister of Welfare, Community Wellbeing, Women, Family and Childhood Development Datuk Seri Fatimah Abdullah and Assistant Minister of Local Government and Housing, who is also Nangka assemblyman Dr Annuar Rapaee were among those present at the press conference. — DayakDaily
