Flyover soffit “crack” verified as concrete imperfection

JKR Sarawak and consultant engineers inspecting the "crack" on the BDC Flyover soffit.

KUCHING, Oct 18: The so-called “crack line” spotted on the soffit of the BDC flyover is merely a concrete imperfection.

Public Works Department (JKR) Sarawak assured the public that an evaluation and assessments have been made together with the concessionaire and the consultant yesterday (Oct 17) evening whereby their findings revealed that the “crack” is indeed not a crack.

“The visible ‘crack’ is not a crack but caused by concrete finish imperfections.


“The two distinct colour shades of concrete finishing is a natural occurrence as the pouring works were likely to have been carried out separately.

“It is noted that two different soffit levels suggest minor imperfections in the formwork during concrete casting,” explained JKR in a statement today.

The inspection team also found no water stain along the patch line to indicate any water permeability.

A closer view of the flyover soffit with the concrete imperfection which was mistaken by the public as a crack.

Additionally, no other defects were seen adjacent to the patching and at the steel railing and there were no signs of pavement cracks at the bridge deck from the top view of the bridge.

Concluding that the BDC flyover is safe for public use, JKR then proposed for remedial works to improve the outlook of the flyover.

“JKR proposes for remedial works to improve the soffit aesthetics of the imperfection by using fast-setting grout and regular monitoring,” it added. — DayakDaily
