Flash floods in Long Kerong, Long Sait in Ulu Baram leave trail of destruction in their wake

A home coated in mud in the aftermath of the flooding that hit Long Kerong and Long Sait in Ulu Baram, Telang Usan District on June 7, 2024.

By DayakDaily Team

MIRI, June 7: A flash flood that struck Long Kerong and Long Sait in Ulu Baram, Telang Usan District in the middle of the night today has wreaked havoc on the rural communities, as they scrambled to protect the elderly, vulnerable individuals and their belongings.

Videos and photos shared by the Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) Sarawak showed roads transformed into gushing rivers, submerging fields of precious crops, and homes swamped by muddy waters.

The flood situation at Long Kerong in Ulu Baram at 2am of June 7, 2024.

Residents endured a night of frantic panic, carrying elderly individuals and relocating agricultural machinery and equipment to safety.

In one video, a man can be seen struggling to wade through the muddy flood waters while carrying an elderly woman to safety.

He nearly fell as his feet become trapped in the muddy waters. Other villagers, armed with umbrellas, rushed to his assistance.

Stills from video clips showing a man relocating their equipment (left) and a man carrying an elderly woman on his back as they wade through the muddy floodwaters on June 7, 2024.

A resident was also heard using a portable loudspeaker to communicate with others, coordinating efforts to safeguard their possessions and transport them to shaded areas.

The floods left homes caked in mud and a trail of destruction, with many household items and furniture damaged in the aftermath. Fortunately, the water has since receded.

The trail of destruction in the aftermath of a flood.
A dog attempting to cross a bridge with missing wooden planks.

Bomba Sarawak acting director Tiong Ling Hii stated that authorities, including Bomba, the Miri Resident Office, and the Welfare Department, are arranging aid and assistance for the affected location.

Bomba Sarawak will continue to monitor the flood situation in the area. — DayakDaily
