Firemen in gotong royong spirit move items from mosque hit by waves

Saratok Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) chief PPgB Nazry Mohamat and his men assisted in ‘gotong royong’ activities to transport items from damaged Darul Ihsan mosque to An Nur surau.

By Nancy Nais

SARATOK, Nov 19: Firefighters from Saratok station assisted in ‘gotong-royong’ to transport items that could be salvaged from Darul Ihsan Mosque that was recently damaged after being hit by big waves.

On Nov 15, the mosque located just 180 meters from the beach in Kampung Semarang, Pusa was badly damaged in the incident that occurred at about 4.30 pm.


Saratok Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) chief PPgB Nazry Mohamat said the ‘gotong-royong’ together with civil defense and villagers started at 9am today.

Items that were deemed reusable and other essentials were relocated to surau An Nur, located just 800 meters away.

Nazry said the mosque, which was built in 1959 will not be used anymore, as there is a plan to build a new one. –DayakDaily
